Butter- It is a fat rich dairy product, made from milk, dahi or cream by agitating or shaking it until the fats separate as semisolid mass from the liquid portion of milk.
Emulsion-It is a mixture of two or more liquids in which, one is dispersed in the other as microscopic droplets.
Ripening- It is a process of fermentation of cream or milk by selected type of microorganisms
Table butter-It is the product made from pasteurized cream obtained from pasteurized milk of cow or buffalo or a combination thereof with or without ripening with the use of standard lactic culture, addition of common salt, annatto or carotene as colouring matter and diacetyl as flavouring agents.
Desi butter-It is the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof or from curd obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof without the addition of any preservatives including common salt, any added colouring matter or any added flavouring agents.
Churning-It is the process of agitation of cream at a suitable temperature until the fat globules adhere with each other forming larger and larger mass and leading to almost complete separation of fat and serum.
Churn-It is a device for making butter, which includes rocker churns, dash churns, wooden-barrel churns, tin churns, stone-ware churn and glass churn jars, etc.
Continuous butter-It is a type of butter churn used for continuous manufacture of butter on a large scale.
Yield- It refers to the quantity of butter obtained from a known of quantity of fat taken for churning.
Buttermilk-It is the by-product obtained during butter production. It is classified as sweet cream buttermilk, sour cream buttermilk and desi buttermilk.