Q1: What is a title block?

A1: Title block is one of the representation in engineering drawing. It should lie within the drawing space at the bottom right hand corner of the sheet. It can have a maximum length of 170mm and width of 65mm. It should provide the following details

  • Title of the drawing of two dimensional figure
  • Drawing number
  • Scale
  • Symbol which denotes the method of projection
  • Name of the firm
  • Initials of staff working who have designed, checked and approved

Q2: What are the different lines in engineering drawing?

A2: Different types of lines in engineering drawing are utilized for identifying details of various objects by different line type of lines. Each and every line has a definite meaning and sense to convey. Different types of lines include,

  • Visible outlines, visible edges: These are continuous wide lines drawn to represent the visible outline/edges/surface boundary lines of objects which should be outstanding in appearance
  • Dimension lines: Continuous wide lines drawn to mark dimension
  • Extension lines: Continuous lines are extended slightly beyond the respective dimension lines
  • Construction lines: Continuous narrow lines are drawn for constructing drawings and should not be erased after completion of the drawing
  • Hatching or Section Lines: Continuous narrow lines drawn for the sectioned portion of an object.
  • Guide lines: Continuous narrow lines drawn for lettering and should not be erased after lettering
  • Break lines: Continuous narrow freehand lines which are wavy also are drawn freehand used to represent break of an object
  • Break lines: Continuous narrow lines with zigzags also straight continuous narrow lines with zigzags are used to represent break of an object
  • Dashed narrow lines: They are drawn to show hidden edges or hidden outlines of equal lengths of about 3 mm, spaced at 1 mm. The point of intersection should be clearly drawn.
  • Center Lines: Long dashed dotted narrow lines drawn at the center of the drawings symmetrical about both the axis or sometimes an axis. The lines are extended by a short distance beyond the outline of the drawing.
  • Cutting plane lines: The lines drawn to show the location of a cutting plane. The long, dashed, dotted narrow lines made wide at the ends, bends and change of direction. The direction of viewing is drawn by means of arrows resting on the cutting plane line.
  • Border lines: Continuous wide lines of minimum thickness of 0.7 mm.

Q3: What is lettering?

A3: Writing of titles, sub titles, dimension etc on a drawing is called as lettering.