Aim- How to prepare Rusk

rusk is a hard, dry biscuit or
twice-baked bread. It is sometimes used as a baby teething food. In
the United Kingdom, the name also refers to a wheat-based food additive. India rusk
(or toast biscuit) is a traditional dried bread. It is also known askhasta(Hindi)russ or cake
 in Hindi/Urdu or katti toos in Bengali.
It is commonly eaten after having been dipped in coffee or tea.

Rusks are not
just a Greek specialty—they are popular in many different countries across the
globe. In France, they are called biscotte and sold in
packages in markets; Germany's version is referred to as zweiback, which
when translated means baked twice (the name may sound familiar as it is used to
label teething biscuits).

In Russia, rusks are called sookhar' and
can either be made from leftover stale bread or a bread similar to challah—this
version is more like a cookie and served with milk or coffee, while the plainer
rusk is added to soups in place of serving bread on the side. 

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