New Delhi, October 5, 2023: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has
clarified that addition of protein binders is not permitted in milk and milk products. Further,
only those additives can be used in milk and milk products which are specified for such
products in the Appendix A of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and
Food Additives) Regulation, 2011.
Almost every dairy product has a unique and well accepted textural and other sensory
characteristics. Hence, addition of any binding material like protein binders to milk and milk
products is not warranted to modify the textural or sensory parameters.
Binding agents have emerged as an important and required class of ingredients to manufacture a
wide range of new food products, especially semi-solid or solid foods. However, such
application is known to affect the digestibility of the protein bound and thus can affect
biological and nutritive value of milk proteins. Protein binding also influences the
bioavailability and distribution of active compounds.
The milk protein has a high biological value as it is a good source for essential amino acids.
Besides, milk proteins are easily digestible and do not contain any anti-nutritional factors unlike
many plant based proteins. In addition, milk and milk products contain a wide array of proteins
with biological activities ranging from antimicrobial ones to those facilitating absorption of
nutrients, as well as acting as growth factors, hormones, enzymes, antibodies and immune
FSSAI remains committed to adhering to regulatory guidelines and ensuring the highest quality
and nutritional value of dairy products. FSSAI is dedicated to maintaining the natural integrity
and quality of food products and will continue to prioritize the health and well-being of the consumer